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Fight the cancer

If the fighter are well known before face to disease is the best way to win.Therefore fighter must grab widly all useful information.Cancer use a few years before appear by the time to be aware it may be too late
  1. Unusual cells rapid grow with uncontrol.
  2. Cell grow by using nutrient from part of organ.
What cause of cancer?
Nobody know exactly but taking some toxic substance into body in a longtime may changes a common cells.
Toxic substance may come from:
  • Environment such a cabon monoxide, industrail poison, x-ray, UV, or even cosmetic composition.
  • Daily consume such a high fat from meat or dairy product,preservative from food, left behide chemical from drinking water.
  • Tension from work or living daily in a long time.
To sum up cancer happen on living way such abreast of the times like heart diseases,overwieght etc.more than 80-90% from taken by ourself. The importance to know and prevent before finding out the way to treat.


Fight the cancer part 2

As mentioned complete of nutrient taken such a meat,dairy product are the way to push up cancer cells rapid growth.A fat from meat are risk of heart diseases, intestine cancer, breast cancer etc

Have you ever know milk are contain of calcium but some reserch found milk or dairy product except butter are cause of acid condition and most allergic particular milk is one the best support rapid cancer cells grow.

Become a vegetarian is the good way to do because of cancer cells are don't like. Whenever your immunity agents are healthy the cancer cells are weak.They won't stay long.

Detox is the way to reduce and clean toxic from body.Liver is the important organ to flight with cancer cell.It is sifting poison which coming and prevent a toxic enter to form and become the cancer cells inside.

Best way consume VS Cancer

You know foods which daily consume are relate 30-50% cause of cancer but some type of food such as cereal vegetable fresh fruits or herb can flight the cancer.The way you consume is the best to prevent you from cancer.
Avoid to consume this:
  • Food that contain mold particular yellow and green mold
  • Food contain of high fat.
  • Strong salted food and burned part of grilled food.
  • Presevative food
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